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Dear all,

 A strong cold front is soon to hit Yangzhou and the temperature will drop significantly, along with unfavourable weather conditions like heavy snow, wind and fog. Put on enough clothes and keep warm to avoid the cold and frostbite. Stay committed to being safe. Here are some friendly reminders:


 The roads get slippery on rainy and snowy days, so be careful when you go outside. When driving an e-bike, make sure to wear a helmet, lower your speed, keep a safe distance and do not carry passengers.


 Be cautious of fire safety in wintertime. Heaters and electric blankets are forbidden in dormitory. Do not connect wires randomly and use electricity excessively. Remember to turn off power and water tap before leaving the room and keep the passageways clear. In case of a fire, contact your teacher, campus security department or call 119.


 Telecom fraud occurs more often at the end of the year. Do not believe in the information from the unidentified website, telephone or text messages, or shop on illegal or unregulated websites; do not click on suspicious links or disclose personal information and do not transfer money to strangers or spread illegal information.


 Strengthen the epidemic prevention and control for better self-protection. Pay attention to the air circulation indoors, avoid unnecessary outgoings and wear a facial mask if you have to. If you experience symptoms of fever, respiratory infection, or persistent fever, contact your class teacher immediately and seek prompt treatment in health care facilities.  


 As the final exams are approaching, be well prepared, keep a balanced life, pay attention to your diet and nutrition, exercise moderately, maintain enough sleep and a healthy mood.


 2021 is coming. We wish you a safe year and happy new year. May your resolutions be achieved.



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